Climate Journalism That Works With Alexandra Borchardt

This episode features a conversation with senior journalist, media researcher, and independent advisor, Alexandra Borchardt. It was recorded in March 2023.

Alexandra, who holds a Ph.D. in Political Science, is the former managing editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany’s major daily newspapers. With a strong journalistic resume, she now teaches, advises, and coaches on topics around journalism, innovation, digital transformation, and leadership, for organisations and institutions including the World Association of News Publishers, The Technical University of Munich, the University of the Arts, Berlin, and Hamburg Media School. She is also affiliated with the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford as a Senior Research Associate.

Alexandra is the lead author of the recent European Broadcasting Union’s News Report entitled “Climate Journalism That Works - Between Knowledge and Impact,” which formed the basis of our conversation.

Amongst other things, we discussed the shortfalls of climate journalism conducted over the last few decades, the value of sidestepping big stories and big names in favour approaches that bring news home to people in their local context, and the responsibility that climate journalists hold by virtue of their work.

Photo by Ina Abraham.

Additional links:

The “Climate Journalism That Works - Between Knowledge and Impact” report

Alexandra’s website

Connect with Alexandra on Twitter or LinkedIn


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