Let’s work together
Collaborate for tailored training, solutions and guidance
Are you or your organization looking for guidance on climate communications, avoiding greenwashing, credible sustainability messaging or other climate-related marketing and communications issues?
Get insight and expertise to support the fundamentals of your campaign, workshop, event, or project
Develop your outreach efforts in line with the latest research-backed strategies and techniques
Deploy best-in-class climate change communication that’s primed to engage your audience and make an impact
Not all climate communication is created equal. We have the opportunity to reshape the way we talk about and engage audiences on climate issues to drive the change that’s urgently needed.
If you’re looking to cut through the noise, catch your audience’s attention, and propel them to action, you’ve come to the right place!

Offering guidance for individuals and teams taking on the tricky task of communicating climate change and climate-related topics.
From start-ups to stock-listed companies, individuals to international organizations, Communicating Climate Change has contributed to solving climate communications challenges of all shapes and sizes.
Previous collaborations include:
Workshop Design & Delivery: UN Climate Change
Designed and delivered a three-day workshop for youth advocates at the Bonn Climate Change Conference.
Learning & Development: Creatives for Climate E-Learning Course
Delivered a climate communication learning pathway for members of the Creatives for Climate community.
Expert Panelist: Aspen Institute Future Leaders Climate Initiative
The event explored what makes an effective climate story, how to stand out in a crowded media landscape, and more.
On-Demand Climate Communications Training: UNCC Learn & UNITAR
Led the communications module of UN CC: Learn’s “Becoming a Climate Champion” learning pathway.
Climate Storytelling Training: Climate Mongolia
Delivered a presentation on the power of story as part of the youth-led Climate Storytelling Bootcamp.
Audience Segmentation E-Learning Course: Katapult Ocean Accelerator
Designed and delivered a hybrid training program for start-ups in the ocean and climate space.