Getting Real in Climate Change Communication With Joanna Benn

This episode features a conversation experienced environmental communications practitioner, Joanna Benn. It was recorded in November 2022.

Jo, who works as Director of Strategic Communications Partnerships and Special Projects at the Nature Conservancy, specialises in communicating, campaigning, and writing on international environmental issues. Having started her career as a broadcast journalist, has worked across the globe for think tanks, foundations, and NGOs, as well as the United Nations Environment Programme.

Our discussion jumps off from a recent article Jo wrote about her feeling that the environmental movement is somewhat lacking when it comes to imagination, as well as on getting real with audiences and providing vivid visions of the future and what it will entail for us all.

Additional links:

Jo’s article The Climate Crisis is a Crisis of Imagination

The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson

The Future We Choose by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett Carnac

Earth4All from The Club of Rome


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