Climate Messages That Connect With John Marshall

This episode features a conversation with John Marshall, CEO of the Potential Energy Coalition. It was recorded in March 2024.

John’s three decades of experience in advising the leaders of Fortune 500 companies spans branding, marketing, innovation, and digital transformation. As well as his work leading Potential Energy Coalition, John is a Professor at Dartmouth College, a senior client advisor at the marketing consulting firm, Lippincott, and he’s even delivered a Ted Talk on climate change too.

John’s been a partner at consulting firms big and small, and a frequent industry commentator, speaker, and marketing writer whose words have graced the likes of the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, The New York Times, Wired, and Fast Company.

Amongst other things, John and I discussed radical audience centricity, the down sides of using crisis messaging, and how we can more successfully sell the troubled “brand” that is climate change.

Additional links:

Sign up to the “That’s Interesting!” newsletter on Potential Energy Coalition’s website

The Talk Like a Human guide

The Later is Too Late report and interactive tool

John’s TED Talk on effectively talking about climate change


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