Spotlighting Climate Solutions With Matt Scott

This episode features a conversation with Project Drawdown’s Director of Storytelling and Engagement, Matt Scott. It was recorded in February 2024.

Matt works to help everyday people find their role in climate solutions and climate justice at the community level. He’s the host of the climate solutions short documentary series Drawdown's Neighborhood, featured on the Weather Channel's Pattrn streaming network, and is the founding director of Drawdown Stories, both of which we get into during this conversation.

Prior to his work at Project Drawdown, Matt was the global community lead for NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge, the world's largest global problem-solving hackathon, engaging over 100,000 people across more than 150 countries. He’s also worked with the Australian Government, Pivotal Ventures by Melinda Gates, USAID, the United Nations, Nike, Walmart, and the Obama White House.

Amongst other things, Matt and I discussed the power of spotlighting climate solutions and the people working to implement them, how telling such stories can propagate hope and action, and the importance of passing the mic to diverse voices that often go unheard, as well as what happens when we don’t.

Additional links:

Submit your story to the Global Solutions Diary!

Explore Drawdown Stories

Get to know Drawdown’s Neighborhood

We can’t end the climate crisis without “passing the mic”

Project Drawdown homepage

You can follow Matt on X, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


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